Immediate Family...
Our closest relatives are of course your own parents, your mother and father. If you have siblings (brothers or sisters) they too are considered your closest relatives. If your mother or father is not an only child, you also then can have aunts and / or uncles. An aunt is the sister of your mother or father, while an uncle is the brother of your mother or father. A female child is called your daughter, and a male child is your son. If your aunts or uncles have children, they are your first cousins. (In English, the word cousin is used, whether the cousin is female or male.) Your female cousin is your mother’s (or father’s) niece, while a male cousin is called a nephew of either your mother or/or father.
The parents of your parents are your grandparents – a grandmother or grandfather. You are their grandchildren – either a granddaughter or a grandson. If your grandparent have a sister(s), she is your grand-aunt. If your grandparent have a brother(s), he is considered your grand-uncle. (And you are either their grand-niece or grand-nephew depending on rather you are a male or female). Many genealogists (and I am an amateur one) have begun stressing the use of “Grand as in Grand-Uncle or Grand-Aunt, or Grand Nephew and Grand Niece” for the relationship I have described above. This is a notable and a logical order because using “Great” refers to the next level up of relatives, specifically your Grand Parent's -- Parents who are considered your "Great" Grandparents.
The surname "Johnson"
As a family name, "Johnson," is found among many of the European nations. The name is tied to Scandinavians, as well as among the English, Irish, Scottish and Germans. "Johnson" is a surname of English origins. The name itself literally means "son of John.” "Johnson" is the second most common name in the United States, and 154th most common in the world.
Above our Mom Betty Jean Farrington
Below our Father Jack Fredrick Johnson
Above Mom and Dad New Year 1976
Below Mom and Dad Christmas 2004